Wednesday, 19 October 2011

To J.

I played like a fool. I thought I was strong enough to have a one night stand with you and let you go. I thought I was able to put my heart in a corner and play with my head. I thought you were not The One for me. I thought I would forget you because they say if it is far away from your eyes, it’s far away from your heart.  You know what? I was stupid, I’m stupid. How cannot love someone that makes you feel so special, that doesn’t care just about himself and cares about the world around him? That makes you feel butterflies on your stomach and has the ability to smile with his eyes and makes you smile with your heart?  I’m so sorry for being stupid. I don’t regret any moment with you because I was happy in your arms. I felt the lucky girl in the whole world. I have to apologize to you because I think I’m dropping so quickly and Its time for me to run away. I don’t know how to say it… I know we are not in the same tune, we are not in the same page so…so don’t worry I’ll move a mountain to forget you. Please don’t say a word; I just want you to know how I feel. 
I needed to tell you this. 

This song is for you

a esta hora da manha, desculpem kk coisinha sim!


CoisasDaGaja said...

Estive a ler o teu blog para me actualizar e sabes que não sou muito de deixar comentários. Mas neste texto tinha que deixar! Foi dos textos mais bonitos que li aqui. Sabes porquê? Consegui ver-te! A ti! E não à Blair que assumiste aqui!
E adorei :)

Beijo gordo*

Unknown said...
